This year Sitting Pretty Driver Training has rolled out a fresh new fleet of Driver Training vehicles
MAM - Motorcycle Awareness Month in Australia
Posted 23/10/2023
This month is MAM - Motorcycle Awareness Month - in Australia. This is an initiative of the Motorcycle Council of NSW and was established to help bring awareness around the vulnerability of riders on our roads.
On average, 57 motorcycle riders are killed every year on our roads in NSW and approximately 1,042 are seriously injured.
Transport NSW has programs to support riders and their passengers to be as safe as possible on our roads.
You can read further here:
Everyone - Be safe and follow the road rules, please.
Safer drivers, safer roads, safer communities.

Posted 1/10/2023
This month we are celebrating a birthday!
Sitting Pretty Driver Training Birthday Sale
Edition 1 - Have you signed up?
Posted 10/8/2023
Welcome to our first edition newsletter for Sitting Pretty Driver Training.
This edition focuses on our company and what is to come in our future newsletters.
Feel free to send us any driving related questions or stories and we will try to feature them in the next newsletter.
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